I've been creating/recreating art for as long as I can remember. Whether it's expressing my wide range of emotions through paints and brushes on canvases, with a hoop and a rock, thoughts flowing into my pen to write on a pad, or just body movements in response to sounds or no sounds at all, are ways I know how to feel alive best. And it's something I would like to share with the world, as well as inspire in any way imaginable.
I can trace my evolution as an artist to an exact moment when I was a little boy. I remember watching my immediate older sister, sketching with crayons, Disney's Beauty and the Beast vhs cover, on a 8x11 printing paper. It was so detailed that right after, it inspired me to pick up a pencil, attempting to do the exact same image. And to my own amazement, it looked just like the original. As I'm reminiscing on it, she later dubbed me as "Carbon copy", for my ability to re-create the exact. I have this huge fascination with drawing exactly what I see. Though it requires a great deal of time, patience and discipline, the end result is what inspires me and is also very rewarding to see. For me personally, striving to capture the essence of something/someone that already exists is very exciting.
Since then, I been working hard at perfecting my craft in sketching, drawing and now painting, just about whatever that fuels my creativity. I'll keep practicing, as I intend on mastering this particular style.